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21 January, 2023

ACF vs Gutenberg

ACF vs Gutenberg

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CF (Advanced Custom Fields) and Gutenberg are both WordPress plugins, but they serve different purposes.

ACF is a plugin that allows you to easily create custom fields and add them to your posts, pages, and custom post types. It allows you to add different types of fields, such as text fields, text areas, checkboxes, and more, and it also includes a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your custom fields. With ACF, you can create custom fields for any post type or page and manage the fields from the backend.

Gutenberg, on the other hand, is a new WordPress editor that replaces the classic editor. It is based on a block system, which allows you to create content using pre-designed blocks. You can use these blocks to create different types of content, such as paragraphs, images, lists, and more. Gutenberg allows you to easily create and manage the layout of your content, and it also provides a more intuitive and visual experience for creating and editing content.

In summary, ACF is used to add custom fields to your posts, pages, and custom post types, while Gutenberg is a new editor that allows you to create content using pre-designed blocks, it also allows you to manage the layout of your content. Both plugins can be used together, as ACF can be integrated with the Gutenberg editor to add custom fields to its blocks.


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