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29 January, 2023

How to write best practise CSS

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Here are some tips for writing best practice CSS:

  1. Use a CSS preprocessor: A CSS preprocessor, such as Sass, allows you to write more organized and maintainable CSS code.
  2. Use a CSS reset: A CSS reset, such as Normalize.css, helps ensure consistency across different browsers by removing default styles.
  3. Keep it organized: Group related styles together, and use meaningful and descriptive class names.
  4. Use CSS specificity wisely: Use specific selectors when necessary, but also consider using CSS inheritance to avoid overly specific selectors.
  5. Minimize the use of !important: Using !important can make your CSS code difficult to maintain, and should be used sparingly.
  6. Use shorthand properties: Shorthand properties, such as padding or margin, can simplify your CSS code and make it easier to read.
  7. Write modular CSS: Write small, reusable CSS modules that can be combined to create larger components.

By following these best practices, you can write clean, maintainable, and effective CSS code.


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