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16 January, 2023

What is GA4 ? Why you should move to GA4?

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GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, which was announced in October 2020 and became available for beta testing in 2021. It is a completely new analytics platform that is designed to provide more accurate and actionable insights for businesses.

Some of the main features of GA4 include:

  • Automated insights: GA4 uses machine learning to automatically identify patterns and insights in your data, which can help you make more informed decisions.
  • Cross-device and cross-platform tracking: GA4 allows you to track user behavior across multiple devices and platforms, including web, mobile, and apps.
  • App + web property: GA4 combines the functionality of both app and web analytics into a single property, allowing you to track both app and web data in one place.
  • Increased privacy: GA4 focuses on increasing user privacy, with features such as IP masking, data retention controls and cross-device tracking limitations
  • Built-in tagging: GA4 uses a new tagging system called GA4 Measurement Protocol, which allows you to track events, such as button clicks and page views, without having to add any additional code to your website.
  • Integration with other Google tools: GA4 has native integration with other Google tools such as Google Ads, Google BigQuery and Google Data Studio, which allows for deeper insights and better analysis.

Overall, GA4 is designed to provide more accurate, actionable insights for businesses and allow for better tracking of user behavior across multiple devices and platforms, while also providing more privacy controls.

Why I should move to GA4

GA4, also known as Google Analytics 4, is the latest version of Google Analytics. It offers a number of new features and improvements over the previous version, such as:

  • More accurate tracking of user interactions across devices and platforms
  • The ability to analyze data from both online and offline channels
  • Improved machine learning capabilities for more advanced analysis and insights
  • More robust and flexible data collection and management

By moving to GA4, you will have access to more advanced analytics capabilities and be better equipped to understand and optimize your customer journeys. Additionally, GA4 is the future of Google Analytics, so it’s likely that new features and updates will be made available exclusively to GA4 users.

There are several benefits to moving to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), which is the latest version of Google Analytics. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. Increased data accuracy and reliability: GA4 uses machine learning to automatically identify and classify different types of data, resulting in more accurate and reliable data.
  2. Greater flexibility in tracking and analyzing data: GA4 allows you to track and analyze data across multiple devices and platforms, including web and app, in a single property.
  3. Improved user privacy: GA4 uses an anonymized client ID, which helps to protect users’ personal information.
  4. Better insights and predictions: GA4 uses machine learning to provide more advanced insights and predictions, such as customer lifetime value and churn risk.
  5. Enhanced integration with other Google products: GA4 integrates with other Google products, such as Google Ads and BigQuery, to provide more comprehensive data and insights.
  6. More powerful event tracking: GA4 allows you to track and analyze more detailed events, including custom events and enhanced measurement.
  7. A more streamlined user interface: GA4 has a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easier to navigate and find the data you need.


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